18 - When the Grief Therapist Grieves: An Interview With Michelle Post

In today’s podcast I interview Michelle Post, a grief therapist who also specializes in traumatic loss.  We discuss how she got started in the field, the influence of Dr. William Worden’s tasks of grieving in her work, and she shares her personal experiences with sudden and anticipated death and how her losses have impacted her personally and professionally.

If you want an opportunity to connect with Michelle, please join our Facebook group “Talking about the Podcast Untethered with Dr. Levin.”  Michelle’s contact information is available along with information about her podcast and we have also included the citation for Dr. Worden book.

Thank you so much for joining today’s episode of Untethered Healing the Pain After a Sudden Death.  For help with a sudden and unexpected loss, sign up for my free mini course, where I will teach you about the 3 Truths About Living With A Sudden and Unexpected Loss.  Please visit www.fromgrieftogrowth.com to sign up.

Worden J. Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner. 5th ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2018.


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